Sustainability in Action (SiA) Organization Profile

BRIEF SUMMARY: SiA is a nonprofit organization that operates in Tanzania (Africa), Specialize in Environment, Agriculture, and Community Empowerment. We are supporting all special groups in the community such as women, youths, children, persons with disabilities, older persons, etc. Our mission is to facilitate the achievement of environmental, social, and economic sustainable development.

Table of Contents

    PART A: Introduction

    Sustainability in Action (SiA) is a Non-Government, Non-Profit, Non-Religious, and Non-Political Organization Registered in Tanzanian Mainland with Registration Number 00NGO/R/1920.

    Why SiA?: SiA organization was formed to solve environmental, social, and economic problems hindering community development in Tanzania.

    SiA focuses on enabling the community to achieve sustainable community development through environmental, agricultural and social-economic initiatives.


    A Community with Sustainable Environmental, Social and Economic Development.


    To enable the community to achieve sustainable development through sustainable agriculture, social-economic development and environmental conservation initiatives.

    Organization Objectives

    1. Promote innovation of social and economic community development initiatives for sustainable development

    2. Facilitate the linkage between farmers, agro-dealers, input suppliers and agriculture institutions

    3. Promote social and economic practices which are environmentally friendly

    4. Promote best practices in resource utilization for sustainable development

    Want Collaboration/Partnership?: We are Open for Partnership in Joint Research and joint implementation of Community Development Projects to be implemented in Tanzania – Africa. Use a form attached at the end of this page to send us a message.

    Core Values

    1. Teamwork Spirit oriented
    2. Bottom-up Approaches and Community Participation
    3. Focus on International Standards
    4. Professional and Excellency
    5. Respect for the rule of law
    6. Timely delivery of services
    7. Accountability and Transparency
    8. Results-Oriented
    9. Gender-Sensitive

    Thematic area of operations

    1 Empowerment of Communities
    2 Environment
    3 Agriculture

    Area of Operations

    Sustainability in Action (SiA) operates in all regions of Tanzania Mainland with the aim of enabling the community to achieve sustainable Community Development through environmental, agricultural and social-economic initiatives.

    Scope of Initiatives

    SiA intends to accelerate social and economic development through sustainable agriculture, social-economic development and environmental conservation initiatives that will enable the community to achieve desired development.

    Main Beneficiaries

    SiA Empower communities through the provision of support to all special groups in the community such as women, youths, children, persons with disabilities, older persons, etc. They are SiA main beneficiaries.

    PART B: SiA Administration and Operations Departments

    Sustainability in Action (SiA) has Departments that coordinate and manage all Organization activities. Operations departments include all departments except the Administration department.

    All departments coordinate with each other in the implementation of SiA Programmes.

    In the provision of consultation services, Operation departments are guided by Consultancy and Public Services Department.

    Administration Department (AD)


    This department coordinates all Organization General Management and Administration Issues.


    It coordinates with other departments by providing Administrative support in Activities.

    Special Responsibility

    This department is responsible with Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of all SiA Programmes and Strategies.

    Department of Environment Management and Conservation (DEMC)


    This is a special department responsible with all environmental issues.


    It supports and advises other departments on all environmental issues


    This department currently manages the implementation of the Sustainable Environment Management and Protection Programme (SEMAPP)

    Department of Agriculture and Development (DAD)


    This department is responsible with all issues relating to Agriculture.


    It supports and advises other departments in All Agriculture related activities


    This department is now implementing Agriculture and Development Programme (ADP)

    Research, Training and Facilitation Department (RTFD)


    This department is responsible with Research, Training and Facilitation.


    It supports and advises other departments in Research, Training and Facilitation.

    Special Responsibility

    This department is special responsible with management of all researches SiA Research Issues

    Community Development Department (CDD)


    This department is responsible with all issues relating to Community development.


    It supports and advises other departments in Social and economic development issues


    This department is currently implementing Sustainable Community Development Programme (SCDP).

    Consultancy and Public Services Department (CPSD)


    This department coordinates all SiA Consultancy and Public services.


    It coordinates with other departments by providing Support in Consultancy and public services.


    This department is currently implementing Project Management and Evaluation for Sustainable Development (PMESD).

    PART C: SiA Special Offices

    SiA Head Office (HO)

    This is a special Office under Administration Department (AD).

    HO Coordinates SiA Organization with Other Organization.

    SiA Consultancy Office (CO)

    This is a Special Office under Consultancy and Public Services Department (CPSD)

    CO manages all SiA Consultancy services.

    SiA Research Office (RO)

    This Office is under Research, Training and Facilitation Department (RTFD)

    RO Main role is to coordinate all SiA Research activities.

    PART D: SiA Partnerships

    Sustainability in Action (SiA) Organization is Open for Partnership in Joint Researches and joint implementation of Community Development Projects.

    SiA Interest

    SiA is interested in researches and projects that aiming at promoting Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainable Development.

    SiA Capacity

    SiA has available enough skilled and experienced Researchers, Agriculture Experts, Environment specialists, Community Development Experts, and Project Management, Monitoring & Evaluation experts ready for implementation of Projects.

    PART E: Partnership Options

    SiA operates in the following kinds of partnership;

    Strategic Partners

    This is special for NGOs and other Organizations/Institutions interested in joint research and joint implementation of projects

    Corporate Partners

    For corporate Organizations/companies that wish to support our initiatives and/or programmes

    Technical Partners

    For technical experts like researchers and other environment and community development experts. Individuals who want to offer their technical support.

    Grassroot Partners

    For people and local groups at the grassroots level. Our beneficiaries.

    PART F: SiA Partner and Supporter

    *BareFoot Int’l donates funds for implementation of initiatives

    *Google Offer free advertising service

    PART G: Expert and Staffs

    SiA has experts from different fields who work together in the implementation of SiA Programmes

    SiA relies on Permanent and part time staffs

    1. Research experts

    2. Project planning and Implementation experts

    3. Monitoring and Evaluation Experts

    4. Environment Management and audit Experts

    5. Agriculture production experts

    6. Agriculture Marketing experts

    7. Community Development Experts

    PART H: SiA Strategic Goals

    SiA developed Strategic goals that aim to facilitate the achievement of SiA Vision, Mission and Objectives as follow;

    Goal #1: Sustainable Agriculture

    To strengthen the linkage between farmers, agro-dealers, input suppliers as well as agriculture institutions in order to increase agriculture productivity and promote agriculture commercialization and sustainability.

    Goal #2: Community Empowerment

    To induce and facilitate innovation of social and economic community development initiatives that will help the community to achieve sustainable economic and social development.

    Goal #3: Resources Utilization

    To promote a sustainable economy of marginal communities in underprivileged parts of Tanzania by facilitating the adoption of best practices of effective resource utilization.

    Goal #4: Environmental Conservation

    To encourage the use of social and economic practices which are environmentally friendly through environmental conservation initiatives.

    Goal #5: Partnership and Collaboration

    To promote best practices in research, project management and evaluation through partnership in programme/projects and provision of support in project management, Monitoring and Evaluation as well as environmental and social impacts assessment

    PART I: Ongoing Programmes

    As the execution of SiA’s Strategic goals, SiA is Currently implementing the following programmes;

    #1. Sustainable Community Development Programme (SCDP)

    General Objective: This programme aims to induce and facilitate social and economic community development initiatives that will help the community to achieve sustainable economic and social development.

    #2. Sustainable Environment Management and Protection Programme (SEMAPP)

    General Objective: The purpose of this programme is to promote the use of social and economic practices which are environmentally friendly through environmental management and conservation initiatives.

    #3. Project Management and Evaluation for Sustainable Development (PMESD)

    General Objective: This programme intends to promote best practices in research, project management and evaluation through partnership in programme/projects and provision of support in project management, Monitoring and Evaluation.

    #4. Agriculture and Development Programme (ADP)

    General Objective: This programme focus on the facilitation and promotion of agriculture development through innovation and adoption of Best Agriculture Practices, commercialization of Agriculture, and collaboration between farmers, agro-dealers, input suppliers, and agriculture institutions.

    PART J: SiA Strategic Plan – Summary

    Summary of Strategic plan

    Sustainability in Action (SiA) is intended to enable the community to achieve sustainable environmental, social and economic development.

    All SiA Plans and Strategies are derived from SiA Vision, Mission and Objective.

    ➠ From SiA Vision, Mission and objectives SiA Strategic Goals were formulated.

    ➠ Then from SiA’s Strategic Goals, SiA Programmes were Formulated.

    ➠ From SiA Programmes Various projects are developed.

    ➠ Then SiA activities are derived from SiA Projects.

    Description of Execution of Strategic plan

    SiA Vision, Mission and Objectives


    SiA Strategic Goals


    SiA Programmes


    SiA Projects


    SiA Activities

    PART K: SiA Monitoring and Evaluation

    SiA M&E Areas of Emphasis


    SiA considers the appropriateness of Programme/project objectives to the problems that it was supposed to address and to the physical and policy environment within which it operated.


    SiA measures how productively means (inputs) such as money, time, equipment, personnel were used in the creation of results (outputs), and the quality of the results achieved.


    SiA Compare results and objectives. That is, the contribution made by the programme’s/project’s results to the achievement of the Programme/project purpose.


    SiA checks for the likelihood of a continuation in the stream of benefits produced by the programme/project after the period of external support has ended.


    In this, SiA focus on the effect of the project on its wider environment, and its contribution to the overall objective.

    M&E of Execution of SiA’s Plans and Strategies

    SiA Vision, Mission and Objective M&E

    Vision, Mission and objectives are Monitored and evaluated basing on SiA Strategic Goals and SiA Programmes.

    M&E of SiA Strategic Goals

    Strategic goals are monitored and evaluated based on SiA Programmes.

    M&E of SiA Programmes

    Programmes are monitored and evaluated based on the projects developed from a specific programme. The performance indicator for programmes covers; Number of projects, Quality/Nature of projects, Partnerships, Campaigns etc.

    M&E of SiA Projects

    Projects are Monitored and Evaluated basing on actual activities. The performance indicator for projects covers; Number of activities, Quality/Nature of activities, Beneficiaries, Tasks etc.

    M&E of SiA Activities

    Activities are monitored based on the actual tasks or events done. Results of activities are considered in activities monitoring

    Contact us for Additional Information and for Collaboration and/or Parnership

    Use the following form to express your Partnership/ Collaboration interest.



      Feel free to contact us for further information or Clarifications

      Administration Department

      SunFlag, Unga Ltd, Arusha,

      P.O Box 113305.
      Arusha, Tanzania.


      SiA Research Office

      SunFlag, Unga Ltd, Arusha,

      P.O Box 113305.
      Arusha, Tanzania.


      SiA Consultancy Office (CO)

      SunFlag, Unga Ltd, Arusha, Tanzania

      P.O Box 113305.
      Arusha, Tanzania.
