SiA Administration and Operations Departments

Table of Contents


    Sustainability in Action (SiA) has Departments that coordinate and manage all Organization activities.

    Operations departments include all departments except the Administration department.

    All departments coordinate with each other in the implementation of SiA Programmes.

    In the provision of consultation services, Operation departments are guided by Consultancy and Public Services Department.

    Administration Department (AD)


    This department coordinates all Organization General Management and Administration Issues.


    It coordinates with other departments by providing Administrative support in Activities.

    Special Responsibility

    This department is responsible with Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of all SiA Programmes and Strategies.

    Department of Environment Management and Conservation (DEMC)


    This is a special department responsible with all environmental issues.


    It supports and advises other departments on all environmental issues


    This department currently manages the implementation of the Sustainable Environment Management and Protection Programme (SEMAPP)

    Department of Agriculture and Development (DAD)


    This department is responsible with all issues relating to Agriculture.


    It supports and advises other departments in All Agriculture related activities


    This department is now implementing Agriculture and Development Programme (ADP)

    Research, Training and Facilitation Department (RTFD)


    This department is responsible with Research, Training and Facilitation.


    It supports and advises other departments in Research, Training and Facilitation.

    Special Responsibility

    This department is special responsible with management of all researches SiA Research Issues

    Community Development Department (CDD)


    This department is responsible with all issues relating to Community development.


    It supports and advises other departments in Social and economic development issues


    This department is currently implementing Sustainable Community Development Programme (SCDP).

    Consultancy and Public Services Department (CPSD)


    This department coordinates all SiA Consultancy and Public services.


    It coordinates with other departments by providing Support in Consultancy and public services.


    This department is currently implementing Project Management and Evaluation for Sustainable Development (PMESD).

    SiA Special Offices

    SiA Head Office (HO)

    This is a special Office under Administration Department (AD).

    HO Coordinates SiA Organization with Other Organization.

    SiA Consultancy Office (CO)

    This is a Special Office under Consultancy and Public Services Department (CPSD)

    CO manages all SiA Consultancy services.

    SiA Research Office (RO)

    This Office is under Research, Training and Facilitation Department (RTFD)

    RO Main role is to coordinate all SiA Research activities.