Environmental Management and Conservation Strategies

SUMMARY: We are sharing with you environmental management and conservation strategies and request your support in the execution of strategies. Please read detailed information about our strategy and then fill out the Donation Form at the end of this page.


Environment management

Environment management is defined as the management of the interaction and impact of human activities on the natural environment, through the identification and management of factors that have a stake in the conflicts that may rise between meeting social and economic needs but protecting the environment.

Environmental conservation

Environmental conservation is the protection, preservation, management, or restoration of natural environments and the ecological communities that inhabit them. It refers to all practices that pave the way for protecting the environment and natural resources on the individual, organizational as well as governmental levels. Conservation is generally held to include the management of human use of natural resources for current public benefit and sustainable social and economic utilization.

SiA Environmental management and conservation recommendations

SiA recommends the following ways or strategies to facilitate and promote environmental management and conservation for sustainable social and economic development.

Strategy #1: Conduct environment management and protection research/studies

Create awareness on environmental issues by describing the interdependence relationship between environment and social-economic issues

📌 Designing and conducting researches/studies intended to explore environmental issues
📌 Developing environment workshops and forums for discussing environmental issues
📌 Developing and conducting environmental campaigns.

Strategy #2: Provision of consultancy services in environmental management and assessment

Promote best practices in environmental management through provision of environmental management and assessment consultancy services

Strategy #3: Promote and facilitate environment conservation through innovation of environmental protection initiatives

Helps the community to understand the fragility of the environment and the importance of its protection for sustainable social and economic development.

📌 Designing and implementing projects aiming at increasing community awareness on environmental issues
📌 Promoting partnership in environment conservation projects and designing as well as the implementation of environmental campaigns
📌 SiA is currently developing and conducting environmental campaigns.

Call for Donations and/or Partnership

SiA is requesting your donation to support the implementation of the above strategy.

Use the following form to notify SiA about your donation interest. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


    This is an Official Donation Form that will be sent to SiA Organization to notify SiA that you want to donate to community development activities to be done in Tanzania (Africa).

    After the submission of this form, SiA documents will be shared with you for your review and consideration. Then SiA will get back to you to proceed with the donation process.



    Activities you want to donate (may select multiple)

    Rate of your donation (Select only one option)
