Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture Development
SUMMARY: We are sharing with you strategies for sustainable agriculture development and request your support in the execution of the strategies. Please read detailed information about our strategy and then fill out the Donation Form at the end of this page.
Sustainable agriculture is farming in sustainable ways meeting society’s present food and textile needs, without compromising the ability for current or future generations to meet their needs.
Sustainability in Action (SiA) recommends the following ways or strategies to facilitate and promote Sustainable Agriculture Development
Strategy #1: Promote and facilitate innovation and adoption of best farming practices
âž Designing and implementation of Agriculture Production Projects
âž Participatory Agriculture Research and Learning
âž Publications and workshops
âž Propagation of Agricultural innovations in training and Facilitation
âž The use of approaches that enable innovations
Strategy #2: Strengthen the link between farmers, agro-dealers, input suppliers, and agriculture institutions
âž Facilitate communication and collaboration of farmers, agro-dealers, input suppliers, and agriculture institutions
âž Strengthen the business and technical skills of smallholder farmers to increase the quality and Quantity of their farm products
âž Strengthen the business and technical skills of agro-dealers to better serve the needs of smallholder farmers
âž Increase smallholder farmer access to larger markets to distribute their products by working with agro-dealers to develop and deliver basic output marketing training
âž Advance agricultural policy advocacy by creating a mechanism for sustaining a public-private policy dialogue
âž Increase farmers and agro-dealers awareness of market opportunities, helping to link them to existing market channels
âž Improve rural access to finance to jumpstart farmers and agro-dealer enterprises in areas where none existed
Strategy #3: Support rural agriculture commercialization for sustainable development
âž Facilitate Surplus production aiming at market prospects
âž Support Agricultural extension in a commercialized agricultural system
âž Facilitate and encourage the increase of the size of land for Agriculture
âž Promote Small Farm Diversification, Commercialization and Risks
âž Facilitates adoption and use of best technologies in Agriculture
âž Facilitate Diversification of production costs
âž Facilitate Access to Institutional Credit
âž Understanding of Nature of Input Markets and Access
âž Facilitate Public-Private and Community Partnership in the agriculture sector (PPCP)
âž Promoting cross-border and regional agriculture value chains
Strategy #4: Facilitate agriculture financing and marketing
âž Facilitate Diversification of production costs
âž Facilitate Access to Institutional Credit
âž Understanding of Nature of Input Markets and Access
âž Facilitate Public-Private and Community Partnership in the agriculture sector (PPCP)
âž Promoting cross-border and regional agriculture value chains
Call for Donations and/or Partnership
SiA is requesting your donation to support the implementation of the above strategies.
Use the following form to notify SiA about your donation interest. We will get back to you as soon as possible.